Paulson locks horns with lawmakers over rescue fund
The risk of Bernanke's cash injections
It isn't a TARP without troubled assets to cover
CPI + PPI = Deflation
Year's defaults soar past a quarter-trillion
S&P 500's Q3 earnings fall 22% from last year
An interesting look at quarter EPS beat rates
S&P 500 2009 estimates are all over the map
Worst recession since 1930s is possible
Depression 2009: What would it look like?
My personal favorite headline of the day - "Impossible to determine if stock market has hit rock bottom."
Yield curve near 10 year highs
S&P yield eclipses 10-year yield
More Americans slipping into bankruptcy
Gift card sales seen down 6% this holiday
In bad economy, boat owners abandon their vessels
Consumers are sticking only to what they already know and aren't spending like they have in the past
Perception vs reality
Even the junk on eBay isn't selling these days
Economic troubles hit the vineyard
BofA sees record credit card industry losses
Are big companies willing to spend money in this environment? The CEO of Pitney Bowes provides some perspective
Home builders are distraught over economic crisis
Trader Steven Cohen expands estate
Sector P/E Ratios!
Companies find bankruptcy impossible without financing
Record losses hit pensions of big firms
With jobs disappearing, military recruitment is increasing
Hard times befall even the wealthiest universities
More troubles emerge among derivatives
"A major indicator that markets have bottomed is when corporate buyers step up and place bids for their own shares. That is not happening." - Charles Biderman, TrimTabs CEO
Investor confidence in decline
Forced liquidations? Customers withdrew $62.7B from hedge funds last month
"October was our best month in over five years for new account openings." - Donald H. Lyton, CEO of Etrade
The quick return of Eliot Spitzer?
Todd Harrison's 5 potential surprises into year's end
Jim Rogers gives his outlook for the U.S. dollar and more
John Paulson moves back into residential mortgages
Distressed firms ask bondholders to take reduced debt
History shows that the best-performing buyout funds are those that invest during recessionary cycles
Banks scramble for cash by offering insane rates
The concrete shoes of the XLF
Extendo VIX
Right now, the stock market's expected inflation-adjusted return is about 6%
Does everything trade like the S&P 500?
Investment advice for a wild market
30 reasons for the next Great Depression
The bloggers stay bullish!
10 new gurus you should know
Thoughts from the highest-rated technical analyst in Institutional Investor magazine's survey the past four years
Scaling down - 800 to hold on the S&P
Do you have a gameplan for a fast break below Dow 8,000?
Is this only the calm before the real storm?
China has taken over Japan's spot as the biggest foreign holder of Treasury bills, notes and bonds.
Japan looks better than the rest
Russia suffers plunging reserves as ruble struggles
Ecuador hints at default
It's only money! A Brazil trader shoots himself on stock exchange trading floor
Emerging nations to lead world out of recession
Airlines report decline in global business travel
Value traps killing off value investing
Governments can't handle global run on gold coins
Andrew Cuomo has lots of nerve
Down $16 billion - has Buffett lost his touch?
Quants proclaim - we're not dead yet!
Pirate attack!
Employee swap!
The market for debt used to finance hotels, offices and shopping malls is under pressure
Uncle Sam as sugar daddy
What's another $600 million down the drain?
Detroit chiefs plead for aid
GM makes the hard sell!
Big Three CEOs flew private jets to plead for free cash
Bankrupt automakers better than bailout
Maybe the best solution is to offer a car loan deduction to U.S. taxpayers
"I ask not what my country can do for me, but for what my country can lend to me." - Michael Lewis
Life insurers are buying up small thrifts so they can be eligible for TARP
Confusion abounds regarding control of AIG
BofA bets big on a rebound
The uncertain future of Fannie & Freddie as losses mount
Freddie Mac could lose up to $40 billion in 2009
And we'll all be eating at McDonald's
Impressive financials at Cognizant Tech
Education stocks get good marks
6 stocks with improving dividends
A screen for stocks to short
More value stocks
7 highly rated stocks on sale
The Virtue of Risk Management
Really understanding yourself and how you think can give you an edge that others in the market don't have
It's time to take a ride into the (dis)comfort zone
How to gauge a company's management
What about beta?
A new way to look at yield and dividend growth
WSJ's Price & Volume Alerts
Are you the next Lehman Brothers?
How to invest well and sleep better, in good markets or bad
ETFs for 'Lazy' Fixed Allocation Portfolio
iShares portfolio builder ETFs are complex and pricey
Getting diversity through Hard Asset ETFs
Research shows that investors who don't have assets invested in mutual funds increased from 6% to 16% over the last two years
Yes, fund managers really do underperform
Witnesses to the 1930s recall lessons they learned
How to talk to your kids about the economy and your family's financial situation
14 creative ways to keep costs down
Saving time & taxes through good recordkeeping
Online notebooks to help manage your life
Achieve your goals through better time management
How some traders are feeling these dark days - The Black Hole!
"Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge." - Lau-Tzu
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