Obama country!
Obama's next quest!
Obama may not wait for inauguration to put his stamp on economy
Wall Street and Obama
The Obama Bottom
Here's what you and Obama will face next year
How stock sectors could fare in an Obama administration
Who will be Obama's first Treasury Secretary? Portfolio has a fabulous interactive feature to help you work it out
Who should run the SEC in an Obama administration?
Now the focus has shifted to how deep and long the crisis will be
"It's not hard to see the Dow Jones Industrial Average sinking to around 4,000." - Jon Markman
What about those pension funds?
Are we facing the Japan Scenario?
"The foundation of economic growth remains fragile, and I will continue to use the parallel that economy is akin to a patient who has suffered a massive coronary and doesn't recover like he has from prior colds and who doesn't go out and play three sets of tennis after that heart attack." - Doug Kass
Fitch sees U.S. leading world into deep recession
Bear market has ended, says Morgan Stanley
Recent consumer spending according to MasterCard
Online sales are expected to slow pace
HSBC says credit will remain tight
As banks get rescued, small business owners cry out for help
The bailout - more changes, more questions
Swap meet!
A few more lessons of the Financial Crisis
Halkola is one of hundreds of angry TD Ameritrade customers whose almost $1 billion in assets are frozen
Concern over shipping derivatives losses
Newest estimate of default swaps is smaller than thought
A quick update on Libor
New data speaks volumes about trading activity in the vast credit-default-swap market
Credit-rating firms may face new disclosure rules
In modeling risk, the Human Factor was left out
Homeowners wait as relief plan drags
Inflation, not deflation, is looming threat
College tuition inflation!
The 800-pound gorilla awaiting the next president
The economic and budgetary consequences of the financial bailout
12 survival tips for the next four years
4 ways to trade a presidential election
Current Dow structure and possible resistance
The Halloween Indicator flashed a buy signal on Monday
A full house of indicators that together have a near-perfect track record suggest buy, buy, buy!
Record wide credit spreads may be near a peak
A nice measure of market emotionality
Everyone seems to be daytrading leveraged ETFs
How to tell if this is just another false rally
Current S&P 500 P/E in historical perspective
How to be selectively bullish even in the face of financial crisis
Long-term opportunities amidst the fear
Three possible scenarios for the trade deficit
Investors should expect additional institutional failures and consolidation in the weeks ahead, particularly among hedge funds
Fearing a tide of redemptions, an increasing number of hedge funds are locking up their investors
Financial foot soldiers, feeling the world's weight
Private equity draws the cold shoulder
Some investors have begun raiding their better-performing investments, giving the laggards a chance to recover
Speaking of laggards, how about those fertilizer stocks again?
Or airlines!
A look at which sectors did the best and worst during last major bear markets might shed some light
Jim Surowiecki on How Stocks Work
After emerging markets' slide, focus shifts to bailouts
What happens when countries go bankrupt?
Hard times are ahead for equities in Brazil, Russia, India and China?
Korea can't plug capital drain
Why the next currency crisis won't be in Asia
Another take on the future of the U.S. Dollar
Bespoke's commodity snapshot
"I have never before seen a market with so much opportunity in it." - James Altucher
Upside of the down Dow
Time to begin the bargain hunt
Tilson's sleep easy portfolio
NuStar Energy's crumbling road to riches
Morgan Stanley cancels Christmas
JPMorgan's CEO predicts a strong recovery in 2010
The housing market according to D.R. Horton
Bill Gates unloads another motherload of stock
Banks receiving government investments so far
Contrarian screen survivors
A screen for finding stocks on the move, NOW!!!
A simple screen showing stocks that have seen upward analyst revisions
Tim Melvin shares a stock screen using Value Line stocks ranked 1 or 2 and which trade under $10 per share
Top 5 all-around value stocks
Presidential hometown stocks
Price targets for the 30 Dow stocks!
According to Harry Domash, a stock screen that might win with Obama
JP Morgan's 26 top picks
Epiphany Investing's secular trends portfolio
S&P 100 stocks furthest below their 50-day moving averages
Stocks that have a current P/E Ratio that is lower than the current Dividend Yield
Keep an eye on those moving-average crossovers!
6 stocks beating earnings estimates
A custom insider trading screen
An interesting look at insider trading and the stock market through charts
Learning how to trade
More Fibonacci fun!
Are conditions shifting for your timeframe?
Using Put options as a limited risk way of opening a new position
Give yourself time to be right with options
Mark Cook's 7 major rules for day trading
A nifty way to track whether trading volume is running above or below average
Book value for beginners
What it takes to win in a losing market
With the Dems taking control, should we invest in companies with strong Democratic political connections?
Three lessons for business following Obama's victory
Using ETFs as a core to portfolio building
Teresa Lo provides a portfolio review
Two ETFs that offer low correlations to U.S. markets over longer periods and the potential of equitylike returns
ETFs with a new spin
Direxion readies ETFs with 300% leverage
"When money managers and mutual funds cite the long term to say recent losses don't matter, walk away. No one should get paid (or earn bonuses) for losing your money." - Vad Yazvinski
Actively managed funds are under seige
YTD performance of selected hedge fund strategies
Jack Bogle hates market timing
Tax policy in the Obama-Biden administration
Vigilante consumerism emerges!
8 ways to cut your grocery bill
More tips on how to get the best deal on a car
Earn some green from old gadgets
You dial the number - say what you want done - and Dial2Do does it!
Miracle-Gro for your brain
"If you don't have butterflies, it's because you know you have no chance." - Paul Azinger
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