Fed cuts key rate to 1%
A growing number of analysts believe the Fed will have to cut its official target rate to 0% to bring the U.S. economy back to life
Fed swaps!
What's another $120 billion for our friends overseas!
A billion here, a trillion there - calculating the cost of Wall Street's rescue
Governors call for rescue package for states
Can this man save Wall Street?
Facts and myths about the financial crisis
The world according to TARP
The Lehman default and settlement are not the financial catastrophe CDS critics claimed they might be
Think the credit crisis is bad? Coalition sees bigger problems down the road
First came the mortgage crisis - now comes the credit card crisis
It looks like Santa's gift bag will be a little thinner this year
What about those pensions?
Hospitals may be forced to buy back more than $8bn of debt
Did you know that at least 400,000 people still can't get access to their savings?
Like the volatility? Many blame computer-driven algorithmic trading
Massive market volatility is not a good thing!
Wonderful - quants are beginning to place greater emphasis on high-frequency trading
Economists are turning to more forward-looking clues
Two recessionary scenarios to consider
Redux on the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price release
Feds could revive housing market with discount mortgages
Grand plans for Manhattan hotels are stalling
Trump hits headwinds in Chicago
"We believe the markets are in uncharted territory with developments and characteristics that are unique in our experience and we can only guess at what might transpire over the next several months. Frankly we don't know, history provides no clues and anyone who claims to have some insight or strategy cannot do so on the basis of fact and historical evidence." - Laszlo Birinyi
Bill Gross' November Investment Outlook
Five signs of a market bottom
Has the fear bubble finally popped?
How much further must this de-leveraging process go on?
Who bears the most risk now?
As the market bounces, skeptics lurk
Is this week's bounce fueled only by short-covering?
My friend Yamamoto gets some positive press. Remember our 10 questions back in April?
What the little-known Far Eastern model suggests about the market
Price Dividend Ratio offers lessons from history
End-of-day volatility is a sign that the market is finding a bottom?
"The risk/reward entry, to my mind, is very favorable, with the understanding that this will only be a bear-market rally, rather than the final bottom." - Kevin Tuttle
Tuesday marked day one of a pivot reversal
Still no buy signal on Bulkowski's indicator
"One sign that we are emerging from crisis would be a decoupling of markets, as markets more efficiently differentiate winners and losers, within equities and across asset classes." - Dr. Steenbarger
Even the Great Depression couldn't keep stocks down
Analogies to the Great Depression are needlessly scary
"Past Performance is No Indication of Future Results. Its a statement attached to every financial salespitch ever offered. So why is it no one believes it?" - Mark Cuban
So, where are earnings likely to come in next year?
Analysts predict growth while companies report lower earnings
World is drowing in oil again after dought
Commodities surge after interest-rate cuts
As gas prices go down, driving goes up
But, some still think the world will struggle to meet oil demand
Yen carry trade could inflate next bubble
The seeds are being laid for an economic apocalypse
Hyper-inflation or deflation?
Barney Frank wants flexible accounting
Should we give the bailouts a time out?
Congress grows richer!
The market is best served by a Democratic victory?
The World hopes for an American regime change next week
Obama & McCain will impact market in different ways
Maturing emerging-market bonds could trigger defaults
Richest countries should give more money to IMF
Nations seek aid from Gulf, but may come up dry
How the crisis is affecting the BRIC
Sovereign-wealth funds are expected to invest closer to home
Some hedge fund pros are racking in the cash
Seasoned investors search for values
Why Ben Stein and I are buying stock
According to Bert Dohman - this is no time for buy and hold
Jason Kelly talks ultra trades, yen, & real estate
Fast Money Portfolios
Top 10 insider purchases and buybacks
The spark behind that short-squeeze in Las Vegas Sands
Strong banks got stronger in rescue
PNC Financial will receive several billion dollars in federal tax savings stemming from its purchase of National City
Goldman Sachs has been asked to justify the billions of dollars it will pay out in salary and bonuses this year
No matter what - Wall Street will make sure to pay itself first
A simple question for AIG - where did the cash go?
Impact of the SEC's no-short list on stock prices
"Short sellers aren't jackals, they're bears." - Bill Fleckenstein
A handful of stocks that have boosted their payouts on average at least 8% annually, offer yields in excess of 4%, and pay out less than 50% of their cash flow to support the dividend
Biggest monthly changes in short interest
Screening for stocks that have recently hit a potential bottom
As a trader - are you simply chasing success?
If you're not trading successfully, it's because you're not doing one or perhaps all of these things
How disciplined traders measure risks
A blog dedicated to help you become your own trading coach
"From the moment a person allows the level of the market or their net worth to dictate their mood and demeanor, their life will suck forever more because they will lose friends, drink to excess and destroy their family." - Teresa Lo
FreeMind - free mind mapping software (helpful to design trading strategies)
A study shows that you and I are interrupted about 50 times per day
Use RescueTime to discover how and where you spend your time!
In the stock market, nothing beats experience
"Different markets require different strategies. We need to think outside the box to deal with the current investment environment." - Jim Farrish
Preferreds are especially worth a look now for two reasons
Low-beta funds show superior performance (for now)
TIPs could could provide double-digit returns IF normalcy returns
The best performing ETFs year-to-date
Tax management with ETFs
Mark Cuban's all-in-one ETF
Invesco to launch a new mutual fund made up of PowerShares ETFs
A long history of ill-timed ETF launches
Dividends still make sense for investors
The $64K question: what do I do now?
Investors face the ultimate clash: should I stay or go?
How Shall We Then Invest? by John Mauldin
If Graham and Dodd were alive today, what advice do you think they'd offer to investors?
"Grab yourself by the socks and man up. You will not make back your losses in 2 years or 3 so deal with it. Investing is hard. It is a privilege, not a right....Lot's of innocent people are getting hurt. It's called collateral damage. It's called LIFE. Life is difficult." - Howard Lindzon
When dollars get damaged, all is not lost -- just contact the U.S. Treasury
Short sales can leave homeowners short
If you're poor and you spend money on an iPhone to save money, then I'm afriad you have a lot to learn about personal finances and money management
Buzzword is another online word processor
A RSI Gadget
ONN: Options News Network
What a time to start a new brokerage - tradeMONSTER
Social media redefines financial industry
"An optimist is a father who will let his son take the new car on a date. A pessimist is one who won't. A cynic is one who did." - Anonymous
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